Friday, October 4, 2013

Planes and electronic devices

On October 3. 2013 USA Today publishes an article called Planes and electronic devices need more study where they state that they should look more into letting electronic use during takeoffs and landings. It is told that they are trying to ease on the use of electronics during a takeoff or a landing using a new device that will allow gate to gate coverage on airplane mode but it is just a proposition and no one yet noes how safe the device is or if it is even safe and their are no facts to lead us to think this device will work as said in the article their have been many incidents reported by pilots that the use of electronics interferes with the planes radios, navigation units, collision avoidance boxes, and  fire detection systems. Their was even a jet incident were its systems went haywire because of electronic devices and caused it to get 4 miles of course. I think its a direct message for everyone who travels on planes and its very straight foreword that electronic devices can be dangerous in aircraft's and could cause a major accident causing major fatalities. I think he did a good job listing both points of views on that is against electronic device usage and points that appoint to not allowing the use of these devices. I do agree with the author that they should take a further view on this issue before making the wrong decision and causing a major event.

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