Friday, October 4, 2013

Planes and electronic devices

On October 3. 2013 USA Today publishes an article called Planes and electronic devices need more study where they state that they should look more into letting electronic use during takeoffs and landings. It is told that they are trying to ease on the use of electronics during a takeoff or a landing using a new device that will allow gate to gate coverage on airplane mode but it is just a proposition and no one yet noes how safe the device is or if it is even safe and their are no facts to lead us to think this device will work as said in the article their have been many incidents reported by pilots that the use of electronics interferes with the planes radios, navigation units, collision avoidance boxes, and  fire detection systems. Their was even a jet incident were its systems went haywire because of electronic devices and caused it to get 4 miles of course. I think its a direct message for everyone who travels on planes and its very straight foreword that electronic devices can be dangerous in aircraft's and could cause a major accident causing major fatalities. I think he did a good job listing both points of views on that is against electronic device usage and points that appoint to not allowing the use of these devices. I do agree with the author that they should take a further view on this issue before making the wrong decision and causing a major event.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Syria's president has new warning

On Monday September 23,2013 CNN published an article titled Bashar al-Assad says Syrian rebels may attack chemical weapons inspectors by Jethro Mullen. This article talks to us about new warnings that arouse in the process to disarmed Syria from their chemical weapons. It is said Al-Assad suggested that some outside governments may urge the rebels to attack international inspectors and blame Syria ,witch will prevent the inspectors from doing their job, this will eventually secure their arsenal of chemical weapons. It is also said that this is just a possibility and they wont be able know until the international inspectors arrive in Syria. Syria has submitted an initial declaration to the world's chemical weapons watchdog outlining its inventory of the munitions. This move was part of the deal the United States and  Russia made to begin Syria's chemical disarmament. The plan calls for the inspectors in position to secure that arsenal no later than November. It is told by Veteran weapons inspectors that the destruction and the securing of Syrian stockpile could take a huge amount of people, it could take hundreds of inspectors and thousands of troops to provide the security needed. Al-Assad said that this plan would require his government to comply with the safety of the inspectors he also ensured that the chemical weapons are secure even though theirs a civil war raging in Syria. It was asked as said in this article if there were more than 1,000 tons of chemical weapons Al-Assad neither confirmed or denied rather he answered by saying that Syria has been producing these types of weapons for decades and its was possible that there were large quantities of them. He noted that even though Syria build chemical weapons they were pointed to fight with conventional weapons. It appointed by U.S Secretary of State John Kerry that he and Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov came down to an agreement in Geneva and Syria agreed to it.
I think that this deal benefits us because now we don't have Syria killing innocent people witch is a big NO in my eyes because your hurting people that don't deserve it and its a horrible way to die by chemical weapons this is forcing others to flee their own country and that is really bad not being able to feel safe in their own country. We also know have control over Syria's chemical weapons and we know how much their is witch means no chemical terrorist attacks and we can avoid  bigger problems in the future. This plan will also benefit because Iran maybe also willing to follow this agreement.